Ok, let me get through as many of these as possible:
Thursday, March 5:
Several coworkers and I attended an event with a speaker who was born with no limbs but who has become a swimmer, hunter, bowler, and several other activities a typical person would think impossible without limbs.
Friday, March 6:
I read the affadavit written by the detective in the Chris Brown case and learned that the exchange between Chris Brown and Rhianna the night before the Grammys was incredibly disturbing.
Saturday, March 7:
I learned that on Purim, the custom is that a person is supposed to drink until you can't tell the difference between "blessed is Mordecai" and "Cursed is Haman."
Sunday, March 8:
I learned about (and purchased) a book written by Tosca Lee (I have blogged about another book of hers), called "Havah," about Eve and the Fall.
Monday and Tuesday, March 9 & 10:
It is possible to be so busy at work that I could not think of a single thing I learned that was not work-related and therefore completely boring to all people outside my office.
Wednesday, March 11:
Read about the originator of the term "Ponzi scheme," Mr. Charles Ponzi- one of the greatest swindlers in American history.
Thursday, March 12:
After a day where all levels of supervision above myself were absent and an emergency situation arose, I learned sometimes the best cure for a stressful day includes wine, Taco Bell, a good friend, and trashy TV.
Friday, March 13:
Approximately 5 days in a row of 5 hours or less of sleep will definitely result in a cold.
Saturday, March 14:
I learned a shortcut recipe for a Jewish cookie called Hamentashen.
Sunday, March 15:
I learned the hard way that "Beauty Shop" is not a movie worth watching.
Monday, March 16:
Sierra Leone is about the same size as South Carolina
Tuesday, March 17:
It is truly amazing that an entire culture can mobilize to do the same ordinary thing on the same day- such as put on clothing in a certain color- just for the sake of a holiday that doesn't mean much of anything to the majority of people.
Wednesday, March 18:
Rumbi has a BBQ salad that is truly delicious.
Thursday, March 19:
It is worthwhile and important to have friends who will challenge me to do the right thing, even if it makes me uncomfortable.
Friday, March 20:
I learned how to play a visual card game called SET.
Saturday, March 21:
Worst pickup line ever: "I'll drive you to your car in the morning."
Sunday, March 22:
I learned how to highlight hair using the foiling technique like they do in salons (and learned what not to do when trying the foiling technique as well).
Monday, March 23:
I learned I will be able to have one additional member of my team at work, which is a much-needed blessing!
Tuesday, March 24:
I learned what it feels like to receive a subpoena as a witness to a court case.
Wednesday, March 25:
I will finally pull the "can't remember" card and say I don't have a clue what I learned that day. :(
Thursday, March 26:
When a blizzard is moving in, the office becomes a ghost town, and when you live a mile away from the office on a flat road and you drive a Jeep (and your boss knows) you unfortunately have no excuse to leave early.
Friday, March 27:
I learned that hanging out with new friends does not always turn out the way you expected.
Saturday, March 28:
"Cheesy t-shirt" means many different things to different people.
Sunday, March 29:
Great friends can spark great theological discussion, cooking is therapeutic for me, candles make me happy and warm inside, and Cribbage has several variations on rules of play.
Monday, March 30:
I learned that a comedy show is a fantastic way to spend a few bucks with good friends.
Tuesday March 31:
I learned it is not always bitter to live vicariously through the lives of others- sometimes it is entertaining!