22 October 2007

Clothing of mountains, and other thoughts.

It's here. (begin mental recitation of "Jaws" theme)

Ok, I will admit, I don't actually know when the first day of winter is, but I have decided to say it is here. As a native Coloradan, I think I have the freedom to choose confidently how to term the time of year, because I know that my departure from fact is not due to misinformation. I am merely acting out of the freedom we Coloradans have to experience multiple seasons in and out of season! (still with me?)
And even if you want to argue the fact and maintain the integrity of fall's calendar presence, I'm okay with that, as long as you can grant me the one thrill of my winter experience:

The annual clothing of Pike's Peak!

I realize I'm a bit late on this observation, because the true day of draping was actually two Sundays ago, but it was weak. It was the natural equivalent of putting on a thin shawl. Make no mistake, I was thrilled to see it, but the real joy came yesterday, when the Peak finally got to wear a coat. I don't know why this change is so noteworthy to me, I guess it's just my personal measure of the change in season.
I feel it similarly in the summer. The day the peak disrobes always brings a smile to my face (and a little blush on the mountain's behalf, because it really is a little naked and vulnerable looking- ESPECIALLY above timberline, if ya know what I mean).
But no matter your views on indecent exposure in the high country, you have to admit that the sight this morning of snow blowing off the top of the Peak was beautiful, if you got the chance to see it. If not, keep your eyes up, it will happen quite a few times over the coming months, and the last thing a Coloradan should do (native or transplant) is become oblivious to the natural beauty of God's creation. We're blessed every day to see even the tiniest glimpse of the majesty of a Creator who could think to create something so phenomenal to my mind. It calls to mind a line from a song by Shawn McDonald:
"The same hands that created all of this/they created you and I/What a Beautiful God"
The privilege of being created, known, sought after, and loved by One so artistic, wild, powerful, and detailed - it's beyond logic, and it's definitely beyond words I can provide.

What's your favorite part of the season change? We asked this in a meeting the other day, and I loved to hear the answers.